Monday, October 6, 2008

Donate to Breast Cancer Research

Did you know there are thousands of products you can buy that donate portions of the proceeds to breast cancer research. I try to purchase things that have the pink ribbon on them.

Right now if you go to Albertson's (or any participating stores) and buy $25.00 worth of Proctor and Gamble Products you can get a coupon for a free pair of Crocs. P&G are things you buy already and don't know it....Tide, Bounce, Frebreeze, etc. Plus, last Sunday P&G had coupons for all these things.

If your going to buy something and have the choice between the pink ribbon or not, pick the ribbon! Every little bit helps. My favorite is the pink M&M's, they just taste better pink and have less calories.....j/k, but as if chocolate needed something to make it taste better, pink does it.


Madi said...

Thanks for that reminder. You are absolutely right...go for the pink! M&M's aww ya.....where are those?

.........Still ME! said...

That's right! They do have less calories, pink means diet chocolate, I forgot! I'm on my way to he store right now! Can I pick any up for anyone else, I don't want to be the only one getting skinny eating M&Ms!