Thursday, May 28, 2009

Things that made me smile

Conversation between Halle, Uncle Jimmy, and Grandma Pam:

Jimmy: Halle what did you plant in Grandma's garden?
Halle: (in her speech imediment way): We planted "pot".
Jimmy: You planted POT?
Halle: no, we planted POT!
Jimmy looks and Grandma, increduously? Mom? Pot?
The conversation contiunes this way for about 5 minutes until grandma realizes;
Oh, the plot, we planted on her plot. Too funny.

We're going through security at the airport and JD is barking out orders at everyone. Carson was walking ahead of him. He stops on a dime. Turns around, puts his hand to his head and salutes, saying, Aye, aye Captain.

Same airport, waiting to board plane. Carson leans towards me and says, Mom, I love you more than dad. I say, well we should love daddy too. He says, well I think Easton loves dad more than you......Well at least we're even.


Naoni said...

I love your kids!!! (and they're pot)

.........Still ME! said...

funny! did you throw in incredulously just for me?

BreeAnn said...

Hahaha that is so cute.