Thursday, February 12, 2009

diswasher clarification

I was wondering how long it would take someone to ask why the dishwasher was open if it's broken. The answer is two fold:

#1- It won't turn off(but won't actually run a full cycle either). So, I flip the breaker usually, but it's the same breaker as the disposal. While doing the dishes I need the disposal, so if I open it, the dishwasher doesn't sit and run.
#2- An empty dishwasher is the best drying wrack in town. It fits way more than your standard counter wrack. Plus, people expect there to be dishes in the dishwasher instead of all over the counter. And as my neighbors can attest to, my counter wrack was used as toy in the garden last summer. So, I was in need of one.

1 comment:

Becky Gray said...

Amy you are too cute!!! I love it! How is the family feeling today?