Getting bumped from 3 flights = Stress, gray hair, panick attack
Hotel once stuck in NYC = $150.00
Chinese food and pizza in hotel room at 10:30 pm = $30.00
Purchase plane ticket from NYC to New orleans = $125.00
Car ride to hotel = $10.00
Car ride to second hotel after first room was given away = $10.00
The look on these boys faces at game time and the big W = PRICELESS
Here are the long awaited photos from the infamous trip to New Orleans.
Here is proof that these boys were traveling for a long time, with crappy food and even crappier sleeping habbits. My poor little boy, he was such a trooper.
After a LOT of traveling, finally New Orleans is spotted out the planes window.
Sometimes pictures speak louder than words.
New Orleans was prepared for Utah....but Alabama wasn't.
This is the team bus.
Easton and his friend Jordan with Swoop.
Easton and Jordan rarin' to go with their game programs.
After all the fun at the Utah game, you may think that the boys waited a day and came home? Nope, the fun had just begun......
My dad and his wife got an early morning call that they had one chance to get out of New Orleans within the week. I gave them exactly 1 hour to get to the airport. They flew to Boston, then to Las Vegas, where yes, they got stuck over night and had to buy a ticket home. Sorry, Pops!
Devon fared the best by staggering into his hotel at 3:30 am and then getting an early start on a drive to Houston then a purchased flight home.
Ty and Rob, flying standby (not with Jetblue, thank heavens) Arose early and tried for their first flight to get out of New Orleans. With only one seat open, Ty took it to Austin and Rob waited for the next flight. When Rob got there 4 hours later, Ty was still waiting to get on a flight to SLC. Again with one seat open Ty jumped on and Rob was stuck in Austin overnight. After hearing that there was a snowballs chance he was getting home, he diverted to Phoenix where he met up with JD and Easton. Eventually, buying a ticket home. (after the Fiesta bowl) Hey Rob, take a shower!
JD, Easton, Travis and Jordan left the game and started driving (FAST) to Nashville. This was a 7 hour drive through the middle of the night. They arrived in Nashville with about 30 minutes to spare before their plane left. From there they flew to Kansas City to watch the Jay Hawks play. Proof that JD was very tired???? Not a single picture was taken. From the game it was back to the airport and they flew to Phoenix. The next day Rob caught up with them and the day after was the Fiesta Bowl. After getting back from the game very late, JD and Rob over slept their first flight home. Trying to catch the next flight, they ran into traffic and JD's digestive track and missed the next flight as well. FINALLY they made it home safe and sound.
Awesome pictures.... The guys look tired but they are still smiling from the fun. Priceless :)
I love all those pictures. I'm glad it's not just me that likes to take pictures of score boards. Ty is still talking about it and how much fun he had .... expect for how he got home. It's still might be a sore subject... =/
Even though it was long and tiring, I bet that is one trip Easton with his dad East will never forget! What a fun dad!
I'm glad everyone made it home in one piece, sorry it was such a stress. All I have to say is it's a good thing they won, huh?
That is tiring just reading what they did. I don't know how they do it. Do you think they would make fun of us for centuries if we did this for a concert.
Priceless sums it up perfectly! Thanks for the buddy passes, I thought the travel made the trip even funner. We joked about "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" and if you count the train at the NYC airport, it really did happen!
Yes. I am still glad they have each other. I get tired just reading of all the travels. Priceless? I don't know about that.
That is a cute, cute story. The things we do for a Utah game. We actually got home a little bit better and got home with out too many problems. Love your family blog. Let's try dinner again soon!
Love ya.
Mary Jane
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