Sunday, December 13, 2009

Friday night at the Rex's

I wanted to take the kids out to dinner. Nothing fancy just the local Training Table for some greasy burgers and fries. I went upstairs to get ready and discovered a disaster at the top of my stairs. I called all 4 monsters up to clean it before we left. And the arguing insued. All 4 were yelling at each other that it wasn't theirs, blah, blah, blah. I finally told them to forget dinner. And the mess STILl needed to be cleaned up. They begged to still go and I said they needed to convince me they deserved it. I got on my computer today and discovered an essay from Avery explaining why they deserved to go.........

Dear mom and dad !
the reesn we shud get to go owt to dinr is beecos we will cleen
The house! And we will do oure londry!and we will cleen oure room we will do the dishis and we will shcrub top to bodum!

She is trying (with spelling and being good!)


Dale and Tabitha said...

I love her. She is my hero.....I told you there is hope. I'm rooting for you Avery.

Becky Gray said...

you need to blow it up and mount it on the wall somewhere to remind them of what the should be doing

Clint and Shari said...

Sooooo cute! I love it when kids write things:) you have to have them stick with it and clean the whole house. lol