Sunday, September 14, 2008

Turning 30

Ok, so I guess I need to give my reasoning for posting a countdown to my (gulp) 30th birthday. I may have offended the 30+ crowd that I'm about to join.

So, here it goes. I'm not sure about anyone else, but in the last year it's as though my body has being preping me for getting older. I feel like I don't have the energy to do all the things that I want to get done. It maybe that I just want to get a lot more done these days, I'm not totally sure. Then, there's the sudden weight gain of 6 pounds. That may not seem like much to some people, but on my 5'1" frame it makes a big difference. And don't get me started on hormones, is it too early for menopause? I've got crows feet around my eyes. If my hair isn't falling out in clumps, I'm plucking out the gray.

So whom ever coined the term "Growing old gracefully" needs to give me a call. I miss the days when I could run all day and night on 2 hours of sleep, a coke and a snickers bar and call it good.

I know some women who are well on the other side of this hill (let's just leave it at that) and who seem to have it all together. Maybe being all down hill will mean that it's easy going. Maybe climbing up the hill has all the struggles. I hoping on that.

One last note. With the count down here for all to see.....I'm making sure no one forgets it, 30 or not!

1 comment:

Becky Gray said...

Funny Amy... Believe me 30 is a piece of cake. I haven't noticed any of the problems you are talking about. You look great and seam to have it all together..