autonomy (n.) The condition or quality of being autonomous; independence.
autonomy (n.) Self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination.
autonomy (n.) A self-governing state, community, or group.
The psychologist in me loves this one:
Within self-determination theory in psychology, autonomy refers to 'autonomy support versus control', "hypothesizing that autonomy-supportive social contexts tend to facilitate self-determined motivation, healthy development, and optimal functioning."
In english; I allow my children to dress themselves (often in rediculous outfits, and yes they wear these outside, in public) so they can build their self esteem, and one day become the president of the United States.
That's awesome. I had to chuckle at Avery's outfit when I saw her. I would have sewn all the holes in it, had I known she was going to start wearing it ... the next (snowy) day! Silly kids!
Ya know Carson is just getting more and more famous for his cheeser of a smile ... I heart it!
Thank you for the english version, or I NEVER would have figured that out. I let my girls pick too, and especially with Madison even when she looks ridiculous, which is often these days, I'm glad she's making her own choices and feeling good about it.
You know, I have a super funny picture of Carson in a little white one piece outfit with a baseball on it that is about 3 sizes too small, seriously riding up and looks hilarious! Oh, wait, JD dressed him that day, never mind......:)
Amy, I love you and you are a great mom!!! I love Brenda's comment about JD dressing Carson. Funny!!!
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