Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of school.....4 for 4!

I sent my babies to preschool. MY baby boy is old enough for school. He couldn't have been more excited. Halle has been giving him pointers for weeks. Explaining that he has to learn to pull up his pants, because at preschool the teachers don't go to the bathroom with you, or he will make lots of friends even though they don't always share very well.

Now after I left the building ALONE, I went home to an empty house ALONE. I thought to my self, "what does one do with 2 1/2 hours ALONE?" I put on my running shoes and ran. I ran without a stroller or bike. I listen to my ipod, with my music. Then I came home to an EMPTY house. I was hot so I took off my shirt and walked around in my sports bra (gasp!), but there was NO ONE here to see me. I took a shower BY MYSELF. Made a grocery list, and went shopping ALONE.

All this in 2 1/2 hours. Now, I get to do this 3 times a week. 7 and 1/2 hours every blessed week.......Think of the things I can get done. Life is good.


Stephanie said...

So funny that you were crying in your earlier post and in almost the same breath you are excited to have so much time on your own!

I love preschool and can't wait until Tristyn can go too! It will be nice to shower alone (before 5 pm) and be able to run errands without having to bribe kids!

You're so lucky! :-)

Becky Gray said...

Congrats!!!!! hope you will enjoy your few hours a week alone.... before you know it they will be gone all day and your life will be so busy. They grow so fast!!

Clint and Shari said...

I was so close to this and what do I do but go get prego and start all over again! But I wouldn't trade her for anything:)

"Oh Happy Hours" to you!!!!!