Where to begin...... We decide (on very short notice) to take the family to Yellowstone for the long weekend. JD invited his mother along, since it's one of her favorite places on earth. We piled into the car with all of our camping gear and headed north. We stopped in Ogden for a 30 minute work apointment for JD. An hour and half later we were back on the road.
We made it 45 minutes before we had our first potty stop......
In Idaho Falls, we stopped for a Walmart run for some forgotten items, and the potty again. When we came out we were greeted by a fly over from the Blue Barons. They were practicing for an air show for the following day. We followed them toward the airstip and watched them fly around for awhile. After picking up lunch another hour had passed and we were on our way.
30 miles from the park we were stuck in traffic. Let me rephrase that. Stopped in a line of cars for 45 minutes, not moving, on the top of a mountain.
When we were finally moving again we drove through 20 miles of road construction. We arrived in the park in time to watch the sun go down.
The Rex's are not road trippers.
In the park we saw many, many animals. 2 mama Grizzly Bears with 2-3 cubs, a black bear, Buffaloes in the hundreds, 4 huge elk with ginormous racks, a dozen deer, a heard of femal elk wander Mamoth Springs Village, an Eagle, a million squirels, and even more mosquitoes.
We saw geysers, or geyserts as Carson calls them, and hot springs until the kids cried mercy. Carson was the only one thuroghly enthralled by these wonders. AT Old Faithful he kept asking why the guys in charge didn't turn it on since there were so many people waiting to see it go off. He was having a hard time understanding that they were as natural as clouds.
We stayed one night in a lodge and then roughed it the next two. JD was such a trooper. He HATES to sleep in a tent, but cuddled up to me on our air mattress to keep me warm all night. He has now perfected the fire pit hot ham and cheese sandwich. And made the best seat in the house around the campfire.
Luckily the ride home wasn't as eventful as the drive there. We stopped in Jackson to see Jenny Lake and eat at our favorite BBQ place. Unfortunately, the BBQ place has grown too big and had a 45 minute wait. So, we grabbed Wendy's for the kids and were off.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. Maybe in 2 years JD will take us camping again.....Maybe.