Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

This Memorial day was spent with my family and friends. It was a wonderfully quiet day.

Coming off my grave yard shift I splet until noon. The power was out so we decided to go out to lunch. Unfortunately, the power was out in most of the buildings near our house. An hour and a half later we finally ended up 10 miles from home at a burger joint. We had a race to see who could finish the crossword puzzle on the kids menu first, Avery and I smoked JD and Easton. The kids were laughing and having so much fun. Simple pleasures.

We went grocery shopping (with NO fighting), got drinks at Sonic's happy hour, and got home in time to throw home made ice cream in the maker and headed to the baseball field.

Easton really wanted to strike me out. His pitching is coming along. I couldn't help but laugh at him on the mound. He was so serious, but was so afraid of hitting me all the pitches were outside. Our friends the James' met us there and we had a little practice. Suzanne and I can really hit the ball. I don't know who was more surprised by that, us or our husband or our boys. JD decided to try his gimpy hand out by batting. He was only bunting and Suz and I were chatting behind second base. We heard the crack of the bat and intinctively look up right as a ball came whizzing between our heads. 12 inches either way and it would have taken one of us out. JD felt REALLY bad, (I think it scared him to the core) and we called the game.

The James' came over for a B-B-Q and home made ice cream.

Afterwards, JD and I watched Dear John. It was a great Memorial Day movie. A great portrayal of what soldiers give up for us. Not just their mortal life, they give up living their lives. They give up falling in love, having children, a regular job. And they do this all for their pride and love for this country and the people who live here.

Thank you to all the people who proudly serve this country so that I can have weekends like this in safety and freedom. Thank you for fighting to make sure people around the world may one day have the same freedoms and safety that so many of us take for granted.

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